With the recent announcement of Movement Restriction by our Prime Minister, we here at POKOKS & ZARAKS humbly wish to inform that our showroom will be temporarily closed down starting from TUESDAY (17th MARCH 2020) until TUESDAY (31st MARCH 2020).

Further notice on our showroom closure will be updated as the situation changes. However you can still shop our outfit online via POKOKS & ZARAKS website. We strongly encourage those who are planning to shop for baju raya to purchase online as it is the safest way to avoid getting infected with the virus.

and as a compromise to the closure of our showroom, we are offering a mystery gift worth above RM50 for every online purchases of RM500 and above.

This promo will only last for a week, starting Tuesday (17 March 2020) until Monday (23 March 2020). Together let’s do our part in combating this situation and also a chance for us to #StayAtHome minimising the infection.

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